Thursday, January 31, 2013

Thing #2

Creating this blog and Avatar was a simple task for me. I know how to read and write. Blogging is something that I experimented with but, because I have difficulty sounding professional or creating coherent ideas on paper, when I blog it usually became a fruitless effort. In non-professional settings, I did usually blog on and other social sites where friends and acquaintances would read and comment. Regarding the naming of my blog, I, for the most part, am a very basic person; therefore, when I create new things, I usually create the most basic and simple title. My experience with creating this blog was not hard. I found it to be easy. Although I have not used the updated "Blogger" site, most websites work similarly. I found that I was helping other students more with the site than I thought I would have for a class at this level. My avatar was suppose to look similar to me. My hair is usually short, except when I have a really busy month, and most of the time I am listening to music with my big headphones. If there was an 'extra accessory' it would definitely be a coffee or Starbucks cup.

1 comment:

  1. Simple is good. I am new to blogging as well and certainly do not consider myself a blogger, however getting started was a very easy task. Easy does it.

    D. Houston Thiel
