Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Thing #12

Google is a website that I live by. If I can do it with Google, I usually am. I started off as an avid user of Google search back in the day when they were still growing. From that point forward, I have been using many of the services they offer. I use Google search, Google translate, Gmail, Google Calendar, Google Voice, Gchat, Google Drive, Play, Google Maps, Google+ and others. I never used alerts, but one of my friends has and uses it for following things that happen with this work. I created two alerts; one for Austin Peay State University and one for my job. Also, I use Google Calendar and have found many useful features on it. I think both of these services could be useful for teachers because creating alerts and staying up-to-date on topics is important for teachers. Also, I definitely see myself using Google Calendar for my job in the future, especially if I am a teacher. I can create events (such as assignment due date, meetings, special class activities) and invite parents and other teachers to view the event on their calendar. That is very beneficial.

1 comment:

  1. I, too, use Google a lot and couldn't agree with you more on how beneficial it is. This is a great blog!
